Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

The Roomate2011

The Roomate (2011)

Sara is starting her freshman year of college. She meets Rebecca her roommate. Initially, the girls begin to bond and Rebecca learns that Sara had an older sister, Emily, who died when Sara was 9. She also has an ex-boyfriend, Jason, who keeps calling her to try to reconcile. As time goes on, Rebecca's obsession with Sara grows which causes her to become increasingly violent and that she tries to drive away anyone who could come between them. Rebecca attacks Tracy in the shower and threatens to kill her unless she stays away from Sara. Tracy moves to another dorm, fearful of Rebecca. An old friend of Sara named Irene, invites Sara to move in with her, but when Sara tells that to Rebecca, she plans to insure that Sara will stay with her by taking Sara's pet kitten, Cuddles, and puts him in a dryer. Rebecca lies to Sara and tells her that the kitten ran away. When Sara's philandering fashion design professor Roberts kisses her, Rebecca plans to get the professor out of the picture to impress Sara by seducing him while recording their dialogue on a tape recorder to make it look like he was assaulting her. Later Rebecca lies once again to Sara by telling her she went looking for Cuddles but was beaten by a street thug, when in reality, the wounds on Rebecca's body are self-inflicted. Sara feels bad for her and decides to spend the Thanksgiving with Rebecca. During her stay, Sara overhears a conversation between Rebecca and her father, hinting Rebecca has had trouble making friends in the past. Rebecca's mother mentions that Rebecca is supposed to be taking medication. Later, Sara and Rebecca encounter Maria, an old friend of Rebecca's to whom Sara bares a striking resemblance. She and Stephen later find a bottle of Zyprexa pills, which they find out is used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. But the bottle is full, implying that Rebecca didn't take any pills. Rebecca gets Sara's sister's name tattooed in the same place on her body as Sara, saying that Sara can now think of Rebecca as her sister. A shocked Sara realizes that Rebecca is obsessed with her and packs all her things, except her sister's necklace, which she can't find (being later revealed that the necklace had been stolen from her by Rebecca). Jason arrives at Sara's dorm and slips a note under her door, saying that he wants to see her. Rebecca reads the note, impersonates Sara with her sister's necklace and tattoo, and dyes her hair to look like Sara. She then goes to Jason's hotel room, and stabs him. Later, Sara gets a text from Irene, saying she needs her right away. When she gets there, she finds Irene held hostage by Rebecca with a pistol. Rebecca reveals that she was responsible for what happened to Tracy, Cuddles, Professor Roberts, and Jason and that she did it all to win Sara's friendship. When Sara apologizes, Rebecca forgives her, but wants to kill Irene in order to finally have Sara all to herself. Stephen arrives just in time to help stop Rebecca from pulling the trigger on Irene. In the ongoing struggle, Stephen is knocked unconscious and Sara is left dangling out of the window. Although Rebecca pulls Sara back to safety, Sara reaches for the pistol to shoot Rebecca, knowing how homicidal she is and that she will continue to harm others close to her; however, the cartridge is empty. Enraged at this, Rebecca picks up Sara and tries to strangle her to death, but Sara stabs Rebecca in the back with a boxcutter and kills her. Sara moves back into her dorm and moves the extra bed out of her room with the help of her boyfriend Stephen, proclaiming that she does not want a roommate for a while.

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